Practical information


Our hotel is located just below the Olympic facilities in Lillehammer. The address is Birkebeinerveien 24.


We have a large parking lot outside with free parking for guests. We also have spaces for electric car charging (Charge 365).

check-in and check-out

Check-in from 15:00, check-out at 12:00. Summer times (15 June – 31 August): check-out at 11:00 and check-in at 16:00. You can also book a later check-out for an additional fee.

All rights reserved

We have all liquor licenses at the hotel.

Reception kiosk

In the reception we have a small kiosk with a variety of snacks and refreshments.

Animal husbandry

Feel free to bring your pet, but please let us know in advance as we have a limited number of rooms for this.

Lunch service

Breakfast is included in your stay and is served from 7am. Due to events, times may change. You will always receive updated information at check-in.

Long-term stay?

We have opportunities for long-term stays. Get in touch with us.

Company agreement?

We have corporate agreements for many of our customers. Please contact us for more information.

Birkebeineren is a cozy hotel with a fantastic location in Lillehammer. Here you can feel at home, even if you’re away. Settle down in the fireplace lounge with a book, and put your feet up on the sofa if you like. You’ll enjoy it here!

Welcome to us!


Birkebeinervegen 24, 2618 Lillehammer